support Us
Portencross Castle's Supporters

Donations, Guardians, Volunteers, Stewards,
The Board, Sponsors

Support Us

Each year, Friends Of Portencross Castle has to raise funds to pay our stewards, for maintenance and repairs and for many other overheads. We remain open only with the support and help of donations, contributions from our Guardians, and the work of volunteers and stewards.
Friends of Portencross Castle is very grateful for the vital support of the public by way of visits, donations and attendance at our fundraising events.
If you would like to help, you can play a role in a range of aspects of our work.


We have a wonderful group of trained volunteers. Our volunteers support our stewards to greet visitors, show them round the Castle and answer any questions. Volunteers find their contribution to be very rewarding.
We also rely on volunteers for our fund-raising events. You can contribute by helping to serve teas, setting out the Castle for our annual art show, erecting the marquee for events and assisting stewards at weddings.
If you would like to volunteer, just drop us an email and we will keep you in touch with opportunities.


Our trained stewards attend the Castle every day it is open. That is usually between Easter and the end of September. The Castle opens every day in the summer and mainly at weekends in spring and autumn. We run training events for stewards every year on aspects such as the story of Portencross and its Castle and safety issues. Stewards are paid for the work they do in supporting Portencross Castle. If you would like to become a steward, just drop us an email and we will let you know of any openings. 

Friends of Portencross Castle Board

Our Board comprises around twelve members of the local community with a range of expertise including project management, event management, construction, law, finance, company secretary work, education and IT. 
If you feel you would like to join our Board, please email our Chairperson ( with a note of interest and how your background and skills might further the work of the FOPC Board.

Our major sponsors and funders