Education resources


A range of leaflets and resources for schools tell the story of Portencross Castle. They can support schools in young people’s learning. The leaflet on poems and pictures was produced by local children and their parents, supported by staff from North Ayrshire Council. Families can use the Family Learning leaflet to share informative activities. For activities around the Castle environment, you can download or simply view the leaflets on a Self-guided walk to Hunterston, Geology around the Castle, and Birds around the Castle. 
Resources for classroom activities aimed at the primary stages include drama and mapping task cards for schools. You can also arrange to visit the castle with groups of young people from your educational establishment, youth group or club. You can download any of these leaflets as pdf files and use them as you see fit. Remember to mention FOPC and the Castle as appropriate.

Learning resources

Birds around Portencross Castle: an introduction to spotting birds around the vicinity of the castle.

The Spanish galleon near Portencross Castle: explore the mystery of the sunken galleon just off the coast.

Geology around Portencross Castle: an introduction to the fascinating geology Portencross.

A New Life for Portencross Castle. Charting the conservation work to preserve the castle and open it to the public.

Family learning activities at Portencross Castle: suggestions for your family trip to the castle.

The history of Portencross Castle: the full story of the castle and how it has changed over the years.

The Architecture of Portencross Castle: a guide to the changes in shape and features of the castle over the years.

Portencross - a Seafaring Stronghold: the story of the link between Portencross Castle and the sea.

A Social History of Portencross: a look at the people of Portencross and how they have survived.

Portencross Castle to Hunterston: A walk: a self-guided walk to Hunterston - its history, wildlife, natural features.

Children’s tour of the Portencross Castle educational display.

Portencross Castle in Poems and Pictures: written by parents and children of West Kilbride Primary.

Drama at the castle: a primary school taskcard.

Eat, drink and be merry: a primary school taskcard.

Mapping castles in Scotland: a primary school taskcard.

Medieval timeline: a primary school taskcard.

The rise and fall of castles: a primary school taskcard.

Round the castle: a primary school taskcard.

Scottish castles research: a primary school taskcard.

Training for the knighthood: a primary school taskcard.

The Portencross Cannon.

Links to websites of further intest


Ayrshire & Arran Tourist Board 
– Regional tourist information

Clan Boyd 
– One-time owner of Portencross Castle

Heritage Lottery Fund 
– Supporters of heritage projects

What’s on in Ayshire and Arran 
– Things to do, places to go