West Kilbride Lottery Draw at the Castle

West Kilbride Lottery Draw at the Castle

WK lottery draw at the CastleOn Sunday 16th April, Nigel Wanless and Adam Lennox supervised the latest draw of winning numbers for the West Kilbride Lottery. Graham Campbell, who is Portencross Castle’s senior steward, drew the numbers. The local organisers hold the prize draw at a different local venue every month to publicise the lottery and remind community groups about the availability of grants.


The first prize is £200 at the moment. One half of the lottery proceeds goes towards prizes. The other half is awarded in grants to support local community projects.


In the photo are Nigel and Graham (centre). On the right of the photo is Sinclair Molloy, who is the chairperson of Friends of Portencross Castle.


You can see a video on the West Kilbride Lottery Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/reel/174547098860652/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v). The page also gives information about the winners and details on how to enrol for the lottery. You can email for more details on informationwkb@gmx.com or ask to enrol by email on numberswkb@gmx.com.

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